A Fellowship Promoting Panama Canal Zone Connections
The Panama Canal Society, Inc. was founded in 1932 and has as its objectives:
- To promote the benefit of its members
- To perpetuate lasting friendships
- To arrange social affairs and meetings
- To inform members of Federal legislation/regulations which may affect their welfare
The preamble of the bylaws of the Society states:
” We, former and current employees of the United States Government, having served in the construction, operation, maintenance, or protection of the Panama Canal, do now thoughtfully and earnestly associate ourselves together, as the Panama Canal Society, Inc. Our principles and purposes shall be allegiance, or respect, to the United States of America, fidelity to our By-Laws and preservation of ideals and friendships formed while working and living in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama.”
The Society currently has over 2,000 members, with members located in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and 10 foreign countries, including the Republic of Panama. The largest concentration of members is in Florida; however, there are large numbers in Alabama, California, North Carolina, and Texas.
The Society publishes an annual directory and four issues annually of the Canal Record, the official publication of the Society. The Society also sponsors an annual reunion, generally in the summer in Orlando, Florida. Dues for membership in the Society are $50 per year. Renewal for inactive and first-time eligible memberships add a $10 admin fee. Current members, if dues are not paid by January 31st (of the next year), add $10 late fee.